Opening a Ticket

From the Main Menu

  1. We recommend logging into your account to place a ticket. This way it does link the request to your account and services. If you are unable to log in you can reset your password.
  2. Click on Open Ticket in the main menu.

  3. Choose your department or topic by clicking on the name.

  4. On the create ticket step the following fields are available to complete the support ticket.
    • Subject - Enter the general topic of your ticket
    • Department - adjust the category if required
    • Related Service - if you are able to choose the service this is about select it.
    • Priority - although we try and treat all support equally you can adjust the priority to let us know your level of urgency on the issue or question.
    • Message - please include as much details as possible, including the website address or web page link and/or email accounts for email support.
    • Attachments - if you feel a screenshot or document would be helpful in explaining your issue you can attach images and pdf files.
  5. Make sure to click Submit at the bottom to complete the process of creating a ticket. You will receive an email confirming a ticket has been created with other details.

Our support team will do our best to contact you back as soon as possible. You can view the status of your ticket from the menu menu: Support > Tickets.

  • ticket, support, help, open, contact
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