Domain Transfers - Year Missing After Transfer

If a domain expires, is renewed and then transferred between registrars within the first 45 days after the expiration date, the domain will not retain the original renewal year once the transfer completes. This is a registry restriction and applies to all registrars.

Example: Your domain is registered with registrar A. The domain expires on 2011-Jun-01, and you renew it with registrar A on 2011-Jun-15 (during the expiration grace period). The domain now expires on 2012-Jun-01. You then transfer the domain to registrar B on 2011-Jun-20. Normally, the transfer would add an additional year, so the expiration date would be 2013-Jun-01, however, since you transferred the domain during the 45 days after the domain expired, the renewal from 2011-Jun-20 is canceled by the registry. The expiration date after the transfer remains 2012-Jun-01.

If you transfer a domain to your account with us within the first 45 days after the expiration date, the registry views us as the gaining registrar. We are charged for the transfer by the registry, thus we cannot issue a refund for a domain that is transferred to your account during that time. Please contact the previous registrar to see if their policy provides for refunds in this circumstance.

If you renew your expired domain with us, and then transfer the domain away within the first 45 days after the expiration date, we do not provide for a refund. Please wait until day 46 after the expiration date to transfer your domain away to ensure you receive both the renewal year and the year added as a result of the transfer.


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