Everything You Need To Know About The SiteApex Calendar Module

Your website should be multifaceted - allowing you the freedom to organize, plan, communicate, promote and display your unique offering(s) in a creative way.

That’s why we continually create user-friendly and innovative features within SiteApex! To provide both structure and visualization for you and your viewers.

One of the ways we’ve done this is by designing the customizable calendar feature. A component of your SiteApex site that is fully adjustable, easily operated and remarkably convenient - especially in regards to specific businesses that host regular events or require online registrations.

Why Is The Calendar Feature Important?

Have you ever visited a website and went searching for that business’s next event (ie. workshop, fundraiser, program or class), but were unsuccessful because their site simply did not have an easy to follow calendar of events?

When searching your site, your audience is looking for an up-to-date, easy to use and visually appealing agenda. What they are not looking for is a time consuming, complicated and confusing process of searching your site to no avail. 

The solution? A properly coordinated calendar feature that’s both customizable by you and visually organized for your eager audience. 

The SiteApex Calendar Module

The calendar module within your Siteapex site allows you to add as many different calendars as you need. You can have a separate calendar for each department, committee, team, or any other category within your organization!

SiteApex Calendar Features:

  • Each calendar can list unique events for each day of the month.

  • Users can place the events from multiple calendars on a single calendar display.

  • The calendar display can be set to weekly, monthly or yearly. You can also allow your viewers to pick their preferred view.

  • Users can schedule event recurrence periods (ie. one-time event, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) as well as the set time duration.

  • Users can add detailed description, images, maps, email & website links for each event.

  • The calendar can connect with Form Builder to take online event registrations and payments.

  • Users can allow public event submissions to their calendar. Admins can then review, approve and post those event submissions to their calendar as they see fit.

  • Events can be deactivated and reactivated. Instead of deleting the event, users can deactivate, reactivate, and adjust the dates and times.

Additional Features

  • The calendar feature can accompany our Coming Events template plugin in order to display a text list of upcoming events on any page of your website.
  • The calendar feature powers our Mini Calendar template plugin - an excellent way to showcase your events right on your website's home page!
  • The calendar can be set to not allow overlapping events, which is an excellent tool for specific location bookings or set appointments.
  • The online registration feature within the calendar can be set to accept a limited number of registrations and will automatically remove the sign-up form when the event is full.

Create An Organized Agenda That You And Your Audience Can Easily Understand And Utilize

Are you ready to create your own calendar? Explore the links below to learn how to create a calendar page, schedule an event, edit an upcoming event and manage the page with our helpful tutorials!

Getting Started with the Calendar Manager

Creating A Calendar Event


Adding A Calendar Event (Video)

Adding Calendars to a Page

Editing Calendar Events

Managing Calendar Events From A Calendar Page


PRO TIP: Once you’ve made your calendar, be sure to fill in the event description section before launching. 

After locating their chosen event, your audience is going to want the details that go along with it. This is where your event description comes in - one of the most important and beneficial aspects of the calendar feature. 

If you did not have any event information within your calendar agenda, your audience would then have to reach out to you (or your team) for more assistance in understanding the context of your event, as well as its implications or requirements within registration. That’s why we always recommend filling in this information beforehand.

What Should Your Event Description Include

Your event description should include the answers to frequently asked questions within your event.

Ask Yourself - What information would your visitor be looking for when searching for this event? Some of the common questions that we’ve seen on our own events page would include the following:

  • Event Name

  • Date(s), Time(s)

  • Location

  • Directions

  • Graphic Map or Link to Map

  • Parking Service and Cost

  • Registration Deadlines

  • Admission Cost

  • Payment Methods

  • Attire

  • Transportation

  • Accommodations

  • Handicap Access

  • Contact Person(s)

  • What To Bring

  • What Not To Bring

  • Diet and Allergy Provisions

Need Help Setting Up Your Calendar? Connect With Our IT Team!

We do our best to make all of our systems and features completely user friendly. However, if you are new to SiteApex and require guidance, our team is happy to assist you!

Simply submit a support ticket here!

Onsdag, Oktober 27, 2021

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