How to use the scheduling feature in the Blog Module of your Site Apex site!

Do you write blogs for your website? If not, this is definitely something you should consider! And, just to make it easier for you, our team is going to give you a quick demo on how to SCHEDULE YOUR BLOGS IN ADVANCE!

Blog writing is an incredible tool that can be used to:

  • Attract new visitors
  • Retarget visitors
  • Increase site content
  • Increase site traffic
  • Build Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

With the scheduling feature in the Blog Module, you can actually batch write your content and schedule all of your posts in advance - saving you time and optimizing your website all at once!

So how do you use this scheduling feature? Keep Reading!

Creating And Scheduling Your Blog Post

SiteApex Blog Admin

1. Log in

From the back end of your site, you can navigate to the blogs module by clicking Modules > BLOGS.

From the front end of your site, you can set a dedicated login for a specific team member in order to log into the blog area. This is a great way to add Front End Security to your site while keeping the primary site admin secure.

2. Write your blog content

When you’re writing your blog article, don’t forget to include internal and external links, photos, keywords and a good use of your Header texts! These will help improve the layout of your blog, while also improving the site’s SEO.

3. Name your post

Use a catchy headline that sparks interest in the content of your blog. While you’re naming the blog, don’t forget to include the categories that this article would fit into. This will help your customers in navigating the site for specific information later.

PRO TIP: Use keywords in the title of your blog!

4. Schedule your posts

In the “Posting Date/Time” section, select the date that you would like to schedule your blog for launch. You can schedule it as far in advance as necessary, or even within the hour!

If you want to launch your blog immediately after writing it, simply leave these Date and Time fields blank.

And that’s it!

Cool Blog Features You Might Not Know:

  1. The Blog Module will automatically filter your posts into months.
  2. You can create categories in order to organize your posts and help your visitors navigate your site more easily.
  3. You can allow Public or Secure commenting. As the site administrator, you have the ability to manage these comments within the site’s admin area.

Try Scheduling A Blog Yourself!

As always, our main goal at OSM is to come alongside our business owners and help them GROW their business. That’s why we always encourage all of our customers to get to know the user-friendly features available on their SiteApex site.

Maandag, Mei 3, 2021

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